
Askaquestionaboutadeceasedperson'saccountonFacebook...IfapersonwhopassedawayappearsinPeopleyoumayknow,adsorbirthdayremindersonFacebook.,Whensomeonepassesaway,FacebookfriendsandfamilycanrequestthatwememorializetheFacebookaccount.Oncememorialized,thewordRemembering ...,2016年3月2日—AmemorializedaccountwillhavethewordRememberinginfrontoftheperson'sname,andwillnotshowupinFacebookads,PeopleYouMay ....

Request to memorialise or remove an account

Ask a question about a deceased person's account on Facebook ... If a person who passed away appears in People you may know, ads or birthday reminders on Facebook.


When someone passes away, Facebook friends and family can request that we memorialize the Facebook account. Once memorialized, the word Remembering ...

How to memorialize someone's Facebook account

2016年3月2日 — A memorialized account will have the word Remembering in front of the person's name, and will not show up in Facebook ads, People You May ...

Request to Memorialize or Remove an Account

Ask a question about a deceased person's account on Facebook ... If a person who passed away appears in People You May Know, ads, or birthday reminders on ...

About Memorialized Accounts

The word Remembering will be shown next to the person's name on their profile ... Content the person shared (ex: photos, posts) stays on Facebook and is visible ...

Reporting a deceased person or a Facebook account that ...

It's our policy to memorialize an account for someone who has passed if a valid request is received. Learn more about what happens to a memorialized account.

What happens to your Facebook account if you pass away

The word Remembering will be shown next to the person's name on their profile. Depending on the privacy settings of the profile, friends can share memories ...

How does a Facebook account get memorialized?

2021年1月18日 — Yes, the account gets deactivated...but as far I know till now FB doesn't have a dedicated team to track the dead accounts. ... Remembering…..